"The camera is an instrument that teaches people how to see without a camera." - Dorothea Lange

Friday, December 12, 2008


Returning to Uganda (and specifically St. Mary Kevin Motherhood) has been both comfortable and comforting. Although I am content with life back home, I feel exhilarated and liberated without carrying my appointment planner or cell phone and having my daily activities dictated by my watch. There is a freedom to just be present for quality time with the kids without expectations or deadlines…playing new games, singing songs, cuddling with kids that need some extra loving, learning Lugandan, learning more about the school, making new friends, talking with a kiddo that needs some special individual time.

Upon my return I am amazed at the things that have remained the same… the instant comfort of having our dear friends Peter and Henry support us as we travel, the distinct mixture of smells within Kampala, navigating through intense traffic from Kampala to Kanjjansi during our daily commute to SMK, the supportive dynamics and laughter within the CTT team, the warmest greetings as we arrive/leave SMK (the children wait for our van to arrive in the morning and wave our van out of the gates in the evening), and the overall friendliness of the Ugandan people. Also I am thrilled at the changes at SMK… the improvements of the food supply (thanks to CTT more vegetables, fruits, and beans have been added daily to the children’s diet), the physical growth and academic success of the children, and the upcoming projects at SMK to have a large garden and operational maize mill.

Change The Truth has a strong presence within St. Mary Kevin. It is powerful to see the visible displays of mutual friendship that have been forged over the past two years. Children greet us by name (not “muzungu” or white person), the walls of Change The Truth Headquarters (which is a small sitting room within our efficiency apartment) are adorned by artwork from new friends, and their genuine enthusiasm at our mere presence keeps us all coming back day after day!

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