"The camera is an instrument that teaches people how to see without a camera." - Dorothea Lange

Thursday, November 16, 2006

kindness is contagious

I have been so touched by the response I've received from friends and family. It seems that just about everyone wants to do something to help the children I met at the orphanage in Uganda, and I am so grateful for that. It's really exciting to hear all the different ideas people have about how they might help. What's most moving is the response I have gotten from kids themselves. Here is an e-mail I received from my friend Jennifer about her son. I just love it:

"Lee has a mason jar above the TV in the dining room, the hub of our family life, with a sign on it asking for contributions for Uganda orphans. All three kids here are contributing. I see some paper money in there even. Just want you to know that your vision is contagious. And we haven't even seen the photos yet!!"

Another mom wrote that her daughter wants to organize a clothing drive at her synagogue. Even my talented and dedicated young printer, Jesse, has committed to give back a percentage of what I spend with him each year to donate to the children.

It all kind of takes my breath away.

I am waiting for confirmation on the legal ins and outs of getting the fund off the ground, as well as the list of children who would like to have pen pals. If you have not e-mailed me with your interest in getting on my mailing list for the "Change the Truth" fund, please do so soon, as this blog will probably come to an end in the near future, and I will need another way to communicate with you. If you want to get in touch, just e-mail me at gbfeinstein@aol.com

Also, if you know of any organizations that might like to hear/see the presentation I will eventually assemble, please pass that info along, as well.


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