"The camera is an instrument that teaches people how to see without a camera." - Dorothea Lange

Monday, January 03, 2011

team 4: suzanne

"Home. I am home now, but I wonder is it possible to have two homes, one where you live and one where your heart is? I think the answer is yes, and if so then my heart is still at SMK. I catch myself looking at the clock or my watch and counting the hours to see what time it is at SMK and then my mind wanders. I see Patiency running from the dorms, past P7 and into the dining room with her blue bowl for morning porridge, which I tasted, not too bad. I see Diana making a beeline for my knees to hug and Beatrice and Jida on each hand holding tight and Rosette with stocking cap adorned and her smile beaming from across the way. Oh and then there is the special handshake, which by the time I left, I finally mastered and of course there are the laughs and giggles of many and the 'Good Morning Suzanna,' that filled the air. You never know what happens to you while on the road until you are home and then it hits you. For me being at SMK and a part of Team 4 is something that there are no words to describe, it is a feeling that I have, a warmth from the hands that held mine, the ache in my heart which misses Izzy. Petra, Sharon and Catherine, Francis, Moses, Irene and so many more. Yes, I am home, but my heart is elsewhere and will forever be at SMK until I return someday to feel that hand reach out for mine and hold it tight." - Suzanne

1 comment:

Paul Matzner said...


Yes, the heart is always with those who touch you both physically and emotionally. Thank you for sharing your feelings about this adventure. Julie and I look forward to seeing and hearing more of what this trip was all about.
