"The camera is an instrument that teaches people how to see without a camera." - Dorothea Lange

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

ana stanovcic

AS 33

Ana is 10 years old and will be in the 5th grade at Pembroke Hill School. Her favorite things to do are drawing, reading, swimming and playing outside.

Ana believes knowledge about the world is important for understanding different cultures. Her doll is holding a book because she enjoys reading, and “books give us knowledge.” She said she wanted the skirt to represent fabrics from all over the world and the shirt to be international by including the names of the seven continents. She included a small selection of her favorite book titles on stacked books at the base of the doll. Some of these are "Harry Potter" and "The Anybodies".

She placed a butterfly in the doll's other hand to represent hope and encouragement.

At 10, Ana is the same age as some of the Ugandan children who made the dolls. Her life could not be more different than theirs, but she comes from a family that encourages her to learn as much as she can about the world around her and to care about others. She strikes me as the type of person who will work toward positive change based upon those differences and ultimately try to make the world a better place. Kids like Ana should give us all hope for the future.

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