There is a core group of artists at the orphanage who could paint all day and night and never grow tired of doing so. They are a talented bunch of kids, and they are a treat to hang out with. They are hard working, fun loving, appreciative, polite, humble and so affectionate.
I get the privilege each December to watch them work and to bring their paintings back to KC for the annual CTT fundraiser. I'm always blown away by their creative prowess and their deep love for making art.
A couple days ago I brought them to the luxurious hotel at which most members of our team are staying. It's not expensive by American standards, but it is a beautiful place right on Lake Victoria. For these young artists, it was only a few kilometers from their home at St. Mary Kevin, but it was truly a world away. We loaded up the car with paints, paper, canvas, pencils, pastels and brushes. When we arrived, the kids were so excited to grab their supplies, head through security and check out the sprawling grounds and gardens.
Nicky turned and said to me, "Wow, Mama Gloria. This is like another country!"
They each picked a place from which to paint. Some preferred the view of the lake, some the gardens, others the building itself. They painted for two hours, then we gathered in my room for a little TV and hanging out time.

Back: Nicky, Brian, Willy, Ivan
Middle: Issy, Brian, Oscar, Collines
Front: Tony

It was one of the nicest mornings I have ever spent.