"The camera is an instrument that teaches people how to see without a camera." - Dorothea Lange

Friday, April 20, 2007

operation breakthrough dinner

Tonight is the Operation Breakthrough annual fundraising dinner. This is the event that will showcase the video Sandy McGuire and I worked on all winter. We documented the success stories of several children and young adults whose lives have been changed dramatically for the better due to the services offered by this not-for-profit center. The mission of Operation Breakthrough is to help children who are living in poverty develop to their fullest potential by providing them a safe, loving and educational environment. Operation Breakthrough also strives to support and empower the children’s families through advocacy, referral services and emergency aid.

About nine hundred people will attend the auction/dinner at a hotel in downtown Kansas City. Lots of children from the center will be there running around greeting guests, singing and dancing, and showing off their very cute faces. There will be prominent speakers, a live auction, the presentation of the twenty-minute video we made and oh yes, that big semi with my photos on it will be parked somewhere in front of the hotel!

Donating my photography to this organization balances the work I do for the orphanage in Uganda. Doing something positive with my work is becoming the driving force behind my image making. Being able to do this on both a local and global level is really rewarding.

Here are some of the several hundred photographs that will make up the video.

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