"The camera is an instrument that teaches people how to see without a camera." - Dorothea Lange

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

change the truth trip: meet melissa

When presented with the opportunity to return to St. Mary Kevin Orphanage Motherhood with Change the Truth, I did not hesitate for a moment. My first experience (last year with Team 1) was profoundly rewarding and enriching. The genuine extension of friendship from the children and staff at St. Mary Kevin, as well as the bond formed with my fellow travelers, has continued to touch the very core of my being. I have been fortunate to maintain several of my friendships through letter correspondence during the last year. Each letter received from one of these extraordinary children has been a precious gift that I cherish dearly.

The children at St. Mary Kevin are very endearing, and it took very little time for many of them to etch their ways into my heart. Henry (age 15) is a stoic young man who lost both parents to AIDS and proudly shoulders many responsibilities at the school. Henry showed me around the school and taught me my first words of the Lugandan language. Catherine (age 14) is a poised young lady whose entire family was killed by rebel fighting in Northern Uganda. She enjoys singing in the choir and works very hard in school to make her family’s memory proud. Patiency (age 5) also lost her parents to AIDS. Patiency’s presence is immediately noticeable by a mixture of spunk and shyness. Her smiles, which are rare, radiate her entire face, and she absorbed every ounce of personal attention offered to her. And Doreen (age 5) lives at the school with her mother who is a teacher at St. Mary Kevin. Doreen is so cute and charismatic that she literally captures the attention of those around her. Doreen was my shadow during the trip, and after I left Doreen proclaimed she was changing her name to include mine- Doreen Melissa. It is these children among others that I have thought about every day since I left Uganda last December.

During this trip I will continue the therapeutic work started by Ann Thomas and me last year. In Ann’s absence this year, I will work with Bobbi to create various opportunities in large group, small group, and individual settings to allow children the outlet to share their stories, express their feelings, and make emotional connections. I will also help to organize recreation activities, play games, sing songs, and generally just hang out with the children. In addition to being just plain fun, play can be a cathartic release and way to connect with others. I plan to do a lot of “playing” while I am there, because the memory of those children’s laughter echoing throughout the school grounds has me counting down the days until I return to this most beloved place!!

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