"The camera is an instrument that teaches people how to see without a camera." - Dorothea Lange

Sunday, November 19, 2006


Thanks to Western Union, the internet and the loving efforts of John and Fred, my local friends in the nearby city of Kyotera, the money for Margaret's son has been sent to the little village of Buyingi. How cool is it that with a stroke of a few computer keys and a minor financial sacrifice on our part, Eddie and I just made happen what will perhaps be a life changing event for Margaret's son Ronald, who longs to attend secondary school. He will now be able to.

The e-mail I receievd from John regarding Margaret's initial response to the fact that the funds were on their way was: she felt like flying in the air to us to express her thanks.

Here is Margaret digging up some sweet potatoes for dinner while her grandchildren look on. Gloria and Dora, my two especially good little buddies, are on the left.

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