"The camera is an instrument that teaches people how to see without a camera." - Dorothea Lange

Monday, May 19, 2014

harold smith and me

"Barber Shop in the Black Belt."  by Edwin Rosskam for the Farm Security Administration (c. 1940)

The work for my show at the Ethnic Art Gallery has been selected by the curators Anna-Maria and Ron, and now I begin the task of framing. There will be a small group of recent Uganda pictures, but the show will consist mostly of work I've been making at barber shops in Kansas City.

I'll be doing an email blast with all the pertinent information in the next couple days. If you don't think you're on my distribution list and would like to be, please send your email address to gbfeinstein[at]gmail[dot]com.

Harold Smith will be showing with me. He does wonderful abstract impressionist paintings. I think you'll really enjoy the show.

As for the image at the top of this post… I wish I'd been around then to have made it!

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