"The camera is an instrument that teaches people how to see without a camera." - Dorothea Lange

Thursday, June 26, 2014

i'm inspired

Brandon Thibodeaux (born 1981) freelances as an editorial and commercial photographer in Dallas, Texas. For the past five years he has photographed a number of small communities in the Mississippi Delta. “I’ve grown close to a few families out there and it’s their lives and the world around them that I photograph. The Delta is not short on photographic projects; some document its poverty, others may focus on its blues music, but I wanted to show the dignity and tenderness that I was experiencing in the lives of folks. Those relationships are what keep me going back. Their stories of trials and triumph have captivated me.”

It's gorgeous work. Take a look.


Anonymous said...

Wonderful! Some of them simply make you want to reach out to shake hands and ask if we could sit a while. Thanks for sharing these, Gloria! They remind me a lot of your work as well. Marti

Anonymous said...

I'm increasingly impressed with how lives can be revealed and stories hinted at through photography. You, Gloria, and others have a real gift to be able to capture that. - JR

Anonymous said...

Very powerful. Thanks for sharing.
- Susan