"The camera is an instrument that teaches people how to see without a camera." - Dorothea Lange

Monday, June 02, 2008

it's all relative

There was an article in the New York Times yesterday about the very wealthy having to cut back in various ways now that times are getting harder. It’s all relative, because the things they are having to eliminate from their normal routine include things like fewer trips on the private jet, fewer visits to the salon for hair highlights and fewer training sessions at the gym. These differ greatly from decisions the less fortunate are being forced to make.

I received word from Uganda that since our visit just six months ago, food costs have risen 50%. Staples like rice, beans and potatoes have increased so much that they have currently become weekend treats rather than daily sustenance.

An email form Rosemary describing the problem ended with these words:

“Suggestions for survival are welcome.”

Change the Truth has been sending the orphanage a monthly stipend for food since the beginning of the year. Due to the generosity of our supporters, we were able to commit to raising this by 50% beginning with the June contribution. So now, each month, CTT sends $1500.00 to the orphanage for the purchase of food. Plans are underway for a possible purchase of a parcel of fertile land so that more farming can be done by the orphanage itself.

In the meantime, these are the words of gratitude that were expressed by Rosemary when I told her we would be able to increase the monthly food funds we send:

“Thank you very much
And thank all the members of Change the Truth
For standing with us in this Ministry of Children
Feeding them has become a very hard task
Yet it drives all other activities
Now we are relieved, and will be less stressed
You have changed the Truth of Hunger.”

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