"The camera is an instrument that teaches people how to see without a camera." - Dorothea Lange

Monday, April 14, 2008


Now that I am swimming more, I am beginning to rediscover the love I used to have (when I was a kid) of how everything looked under water.

If you have been familiar with my work over the years, you know that I have always been drawn to images of water… the surface of it, the way it reshapes whatever is in it, the mystery of it, the possibilities of it looking like something completely other than what it is… the way a figure can be pulled into it, taken over by it or, even freed by it.

I am in Florida this week, spending time looking at and being in the water. I have started to make some new pictures about it, and this time it feels like I’m underneath it again – as I so enjoyed being as a little girl, swimming around in my Aunt Evelyn’s pool. Imagining what things above the surface might look like underneath it - as well as considering that intriguing place where water and sky meet - seem to be capturing my attention at the moment.

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