"The camera is an instrument that teaches people how to see without a camera." - Dorothea Lange

Thursday, November 13, 2014

a passion for photos in black and white

David, Greyhound Bus Station, Portland, Oregon, 2012

Several weeks ago I was contacted by Barbara MacRobie, Public Information Coordinator of the Missouri Arts Council. She wanted to include my work in an article she was writing about some Missouri photographers who make most - if not all - of their work in black and white.

When she interviewed me for the piece, I had no idea she was going to weave together the stories and sentiments of nine photographers. Whew! What a task. I read the finished piece a few days ago and was very impressed. I hope you'll take a few minutes to read it and take in the images. It's a lovely tribute to the glory, tradition and passion of black and white photography.

I am happy and honored to be included with this group of fine photographers:

Dan White, Kansas City
William Helvey, Columbia
David Rocco, St. Louis
Kirk Decker, Kansas City
Kyle Spradley, Columbia
Paul Rains, Ellington
Koral Martin, Carthage
Tim Layton, Wildwood

Please enjoy the article here.

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