"The camera is an instrument that teaches people how to see without a camera." - Dorothea Lange

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

twelve year old blogger

I am in Kentucky visiting my father.

My sixth grade diary sits in the drawer by the bed. I’ve been thumbing through it. Seems I was into boys, boys, playing basketball, figuring out how to get out of practicing piano, shopping for clothes and um... boys. Here are some excerpts:

January 7, 1966

Dancing school was tonight. Doug danced with me two times. I think Tobey doesn’t like Headley as much as she used to, but I still like Doug, and I hope he still likes me. I hope he’ll never ask for the football back, but I know that day will come!

January 13, 1966

Dancing school tomorrow. I always hate it when she says, “Boys, excuse yourselves” because I know some night Doug will ask Tobey. He asks me all the time, but I know he wants to ask Tobey. What went wrong?

January 17, 1966

Well, today has passed and another is in store. I guess Doug and I are at the end of our rope, and it’s starting all over again with Chris! I think I like Chris better anyway.

August 20, 1966

Well, Ken gave me his ring the first of June. I still have it, but I hate him. For one thing, his hair is way too long. For another, he doesn’t really treat me like a girl, but as an animal. It’s true. I’m after Chris again. I’m not sure if he likes me, but I’m dying for him! His hair isn’t long and bushy like Ken’s, he’s so nice and I love his freckles and I love him!

August 22, 1966

Oh! Guess what happened? Ken called and asked for his ring back. I will gladly return it. Chris gave me a little note last night. I wrote back. I think that he might give me a ring (according to Frances.) Well, see ya soon!


Anonymous said...

I think you were 1) very brave for looking back into this diary; and 2) incredibly mentally sound because even though you hated Chris, most girls, when asked for the ring back, would have fought tooth and nail to keep Chris.

I kept a diary "religiously" all through junior high and high school. I am still not brave enough to open them back up.

I do have 35 years worth of letters from a dear friend, beginning with June 1, 1973. We've poured over those and thought WHO THE HECK WERE THESE PEOPLE AND WHAT WERE THEY THINKING? Including all our Kens and Chrises and our very own selves.


Anonymous said...

Meant to write "Ken" - it was Ken you hated and whose ring you possessed.

Anonymous said...

Yes, we all have our own Kens and Chrises. It was indeed fun to read this post and recall my own boy craziness from the pre-teen and teenage years. I can only remember, though - don't have the actual diaries to go back to. You're lucky that you do!