CTT 2015 Term 1 Visitation Day Report
Kajjansi Progressive Senior Secondary School
Akampulira Shine - Senior 1
Shine |
Shine’s Classes in Senior 1: English, Mathematics, History, Geography, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Commerce, Computer, Christian Religious Education, Islamic Religious Education, Political Education, Luganda, Agriculture, Literature in English, and Fine Art.
Shine’s Best Performed Classes in Beginning of Term 1 Examinations: History, Luganda, and Commerce
Term 1 News from Kajjansi Progressive SSS: Kajjansi Progressive enjoyed academic success in last year’s National Examinations and had a grand celebration for students, staff and parents. In addition to normal classes which are held Monday-Saturday from 7:30a-5:00p, the school has begun competing with neighboring schools in Netball (a female sport similar to basketball) and Football (a male sport also known as soccer).
Shine’s Visitation Day gift from YOU: 1 kilogram sugar, 1 bar washing soap, 2 rolls toilet paper, 3 blue ink pens, and 5,000 UGX spending money for canteen.
School Name and Location: Kajjansi Progressive Senior Secondary School is located in Kajjansi only about 1/3 kilometer walking distance from St. Mary Kevin Orphanage Motherhood.
Kajjansi Progressive SSS’s Motto: "Never Give Up"
Information about Kajjansi Progressive SSS: Kajjansi Progressive is a boarding school for 1,500 students in Senior 1- Senior 6. This school has been providing quality Secondary education since 1992 with a highly qualified staff of teachers in both Arts and Sciences. In 2014, Kajjansi Progressive SSS was ranked #75 out of 1050 Secondary schools in all of Uganda in Ordinary Level (or O-Level) for Senior 1-Senior 4 studies. In addition, in 2014 it was ranked #47 out of 200 Advanced Level (or A-Level) schools for Senior 5- Senior 6 in the entire Wakiso district.
[This is just one of the many reports now being sent to CTT sponsors of individual students. Melissa makes a point of visiting each and every secondary student. It's a special day for a boarder who doesn't see familiar faces from "home" very often. Mel is greeted with huge hugs, often some jumping up and down and frequently a few screams of delight. Our students - especially those in Senior 1 - are so proud of their new uniform and school shoes and get such joy showing Melissa their classrooms and dormitories, introducing her to teachers and new friends and enjoying a soda and a long chat.]